Why I've been on hiatus

A LOT has happened the past few weeks that's why I've been on hiatus. Every time, something happens I had this urge to blog about it right away but then I always end up not doing it due to time constraints.

In a nutshell, here's what happened:

  1. Prepared all the 'necessary' things for my trip
  2. I met with my old friends and attended few 'going away' dinners for me
  3. I ticked off No. 8 on my 30 Before Going 30 List
  4. I went back to Singapore
  5. Helped my sister with her Maternity Photoshoot
  6. A week after coming back to Singapore, I got a job! Yey!
  7. That mostly explains why I've been very busy
  8. I've met and went out with new friends
  9. Got my first paycheck and went shopping
  10. Went to Indonesia for a one day city tour
Actually, everyday I'm online on all social networking sites, just not on my blog. I just thought that I will need a real 'me' time and  good concentration to create a sensible post. But I think I'm not doing any good here. Lol. Anyway! I'm going to create separate blog posts for some of those and I hope I can do it really soon!
*Dear Procrastination, leave me alone please*


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Meet The Author

I'm a 20-ish year old Filipina named after Cannabis Sativa. I live to explore, to learn and to make a difference in this world. If you are a grammar nazi, I highly suggest you stay away from this blog. Lol. *Blog is still under construction*
