The 30 Before Going 30 Project

Days after I started my blog, I began searching on other blogs that will inspire me to write and of course, will somehow give me an idea on what should I discuss here. While searching, I stumbled upon Celine's blog and    later on found myself backreading way back to her very first entry! Lol. I instantly fell in love with her stories and loved the idea of the 30 before going 30 project. It was very interesting that I decided to have my own list! Bwehehe. Oh yeah. I'd love to experience what was it like to do the things that I've always wanted to do but never had the courage because I was just too much of a chicken to give it a try.

So, after giving this project some serious thought, I finally had completed my list! So without further ado, here's *drumroll* my 30 before going 30 list:

Posting an image instead because I'm too lazy to re-type everything. Lol. As I have learned with other bloggers, publishing this on public will help you get through with your list. As Celine said, 'shame is a great motivator to not fail or flake out midway'. Since I just started this blog and I believe none of my friends know about this (coz I'd like to keep this low profile. Hihi), it will be nonsense to just post my list in here. Sooooo.. I took a deep breath and braced myself to the different reactions that I'd be getting after publishing the complete list on my Facebook account. Thankfully, my family and friends are all very supportive! Hehe. Some of them chose one on my list and claimed that they will help me on that part. That even made me more excited to do this project! Hihi. 

P.S. I have posted my list on Facebook last June 10, and it's just today that I found the time to create an entry about it. I have even done one out of the thirty already! So happy! Hahaha! Will create another entry about that, maybe next week. Hehehe :p


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Meet The Author

I'm a 20-ish year old Filipina named after Cannabis Sativa. I live to explore, to learn and to make a difference in this world. If you are a grammar nazi, I highly suggest you stay away from this blog. Lol. *Blog is still under construction*
