An Amazing and a Heartbreaking Story

While I was browsing Patty Laurel's blog, I stumbled upon this video. After watching it, I couldn't help but share it to you guys. I hope you'll watch the entire video. I am deeply moved and inspired by Zach's story. This video just made me cry so hard. :'(

We could go up, up, up
And take that little ride
And sit there holding hands
And everything would be just right
And maybe someday I’ll see you again
We’ll float up in the clouds and we’ll never see the end


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Meet The Author

I'm a 20-ish year old Filipina named after Cannabis Sativa. I live to explore, to learn and to make a difference in this world. If you are a grammar nazi, I highly suggest you stay away from this blog. Lol. *Blog is still under construction*
