
For the past years, I've lived my life just like how everyone expected it to be. You know -- study hard, graduate from university, get a job, get a higher paying job, seek for better job opportunities, buy things that I want, save up for the future, prepare to have my own family and so on, anything that is in accordance with what the society called 'normal life'. I felt something was missing, but I didn't really thought of changing anything because at that time I thought that is the only way to live and that's what my life is supposed to be. Everything seemed to be going pretty well and I honestly felt weird about it and I know in my heart that something isn't right. Until the time came that this 'bubble' that I am living in bursted. It was unexpected, surreal and I felt scared. I felt like a naked human being exposed to another world, a world that I've never even thought of before. I began to question everything that surrounds me, all the things that I've believed in. I've began to try to understand myself, to explore the unknown, to open my mind, heart and soul to the endless possibilities that this world has to offer. I did volunteering activities, learned new things, made friends with strangers, traveled and took risks.

The funny thing is, in the middle of this 'soul-searching' journey, I've met my husband Vasiliy. I wasn't looking for any partner at that moment, I was just a free-spirited young lady who is just exploring the new world she's in. I took a leap of faith when I've decided to meet him (I thought he was gay!), trusting the universe that there are still good people in this life. We only met last year, but I already feel like we've known each other for a very long time (cliche, but true). I've never met anyone like him before, a freethinker, someone who has a different perspective in life, someone who doesn't care about what other will think of him. He doesn't just agree with anything that he hears or sees, he questions almost everything and try to understand why does it have to be that way. And one of the things that I admire about him is that he never forces anyone to accept his beliefs and views in life. He respects other people's minds and clearly knows that everyone have their own opinions.

Meeting him was definitely the best part of my journey. He taught me how to be more appreciative of life, how to not worry and just accept things that I cannot change (like other people's minds), how to not be scared to take risks and enjoy the spontaneity in life, that life is too short to just spend it based on the society's norms, and that you can still change things in your life as long as you are willing to make a change, and so on. The list can go on and on, trust me. He gave me the courage to do what I've always wanted to do -- to be free and happy. He assured me that it's not going to be always a 'happy' ride, there will be few bumps along the way, people will disagree with me, people will judge me with my decisions -- and all of that is okay, it's part of the journey, part of growing up.

And he was right. Everything happened just how we have imagined it to be. People thought we are both crazy, that we're trying to be 'hippies' (I don't even know how hippies live their life. LOL), that we do not know what we are doing with our life and we are just wasting it, that we should find a 'stable job', buy a house and live in one place, and so on. They are trying to tell us that this is the way life should be lived, but I've always asked why? Why should we do these things if they're not making us happy at all? Why can't we have the freedom to choose what we want to do with our life without being judged? We stopped asking these questions immediately after realising that we cannot please everyone, that we all have our different views in life. Each and everyone of us have their own success and failures in life -- which made them who they are now. We are in no place to judge or tell who is right and who is wrong because we all have walked in different shoes and met different people. We all have grown up in different times, different places, and that's just how it is. That's actually what makes this life interesting, imagine how boring life will be if we all have the same experiences in life. 
tongue emoticon


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Meet The Author

I'm a 20-ish year old Filipina named after Cannabis Sativa. I live to explore, to learn and to make a difference in this world. If you are a grammar nazi, I highly suggest you stay away from this blog. Lol. *Blog is still under construction*
