Random Thought: Are you successful?

How can you tell if a person is successful or not? What is success anyway? Most people probably might answer this question by saying success is when you have the following: a stable job, happy family, own house, luxurious car, and so on. But is this the only definition of success? Why do I think it is too shallow? Am I missing something?

What if, you are poor but you have a healthy and happy family, wouldn't you consider it a success too? Is success only defined by the material things you own or the worth of $$$ you have in your bank account? If this is the case, isn't it sad? Isn't it sad to live in a world where material possessions weigh more than what true happiness is?

But, wait. What is true happiness? Actually, success and true happiness are two broad topics. These questions cannot be easily answered with one line. For the reason that each one of us is different. We have different views and goals in our lives too. It's perfectly normal. That's one of the reasons why we are human. We are all unique in our own different ways.

In my opinion, success and happiness go hand-in-hand. How can you even consider yourself successful if what you do doesn't give you happiness at all? It's funny when rich people are labeled successful. You know, those 'successful' people who are very rich, but everyone knows how tainted their relationships are with their loved ones or some of them have deteriorating health or some just have very bad attitude and almost everyone hates them.

Are you successful? Am I? I don't think so. I don't even know when can I consider myself successful. For you to be called "successful", does it mean you are already satisfied with all the aspects of your life? I don't think I will ever be satisfied in life. I mean, how could you?! There is so much to explore, to learn, to meet.. I don't think people were created just to reach a certain level of satisfaction. What I know is, we are created to be hungry of success, to yearn for more and maximize our existence in this world and make a difference in our own simple ways. 

They say being successful is when you have reached your goals. But, life is a never-ending tunnel, isn't it? There will always be goal after another goal, needs and wants that gradually change over time. Does this mean no one is truly successful in life while they still exist? That calling a person successful is just one way of boosting one's ego and show people that this person is inferior of the others?

I don't even know if I am making any sense here. To be honest, I just came into my room and saw my pen and notebook on the table. Just like that then my hand started scribbling words that first come to my mind. Although it's quite funny, I think what I've written is somewhat worth pondering. (Hopefully. Lol.)


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Meet The Author

I'm a 20-ish year old Filipina named after Cannabis Sativa. I live to explore, to learn and to make a difference in this world. If you are a grammar nazi, I highly suggest you stay away from this blog. Lol. *Blog is still under construction*
