..nth Attempt

If you personally know me, you'll know that this is my nth attempt to create a decent blog. Lol.

I've always wanted to write, just about anything -- my relationships with other people, experiences, my emotions, and so on. But I always find it difficult to express my thoughts, or perhaps, I'm just afraid to be judged.

I've learned that it is in our human nature to judge other people. No matter how good of a person you are, you still have that little voice in your head, always judging. Some are good at keeping their judgement to themselves, some are not. But how can I freely write if I will always think about what are they going to say? Wouldn't that be absurd? I mean, that's why I created this blog -- to express my feelings, then here are these people waiting for my posts, for what? To judge me?

Oh well. If I will keep that thought in my head, then I won't be able to write anything -- forever! Right? So I'm just going to continue to blog and forget what other people may think of me. What matters most is that I am able to freely express my thoughts in here. :)


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Meet The Author

I'm a 20-ish year old Filipina named after Cannabis Sativa. I live to explore, to learn and to make a difference in this world. If you are a grammar nazi, I highly suggest you stay away from this blog. Lol. *Blog is still under construction*
